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Privacy policy

Privacy policy

Privacy policy

ERUK Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") has the motto "Experience and enjoy the real rather than the virtual", and we focus on regional revitalization through activity sports, new employment, and training of athletes. We recognize that it is our social responsibility to handle personal information appropriately in conducting our business activities, and we hereby declare that we will comply with and work on the following items.

  1. We will clarify the purpose of use of personal information handled in all of our businesses and the personal information of our employees, and acquire it by lawful and fair means. It will not be used for any purpose other than its intended purpose. When handling personal information beyond the purpose of use, we will obtain the consent of the individual in advance.
  2. Regarding the security management of personal information, our company will take reasonable preventive and corrective measures against unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc. of personal information.
  3. Our company will respond honestly and promptly to complaints and consultations regarding personal information.
  4. Regarding laws, guidelines, and norms regarding personal information, our company complies with laws, guidelines, and other related norms regarding the protection of personal information.
  5. Regarding personal information protection initiatives (personal information protection management system), we have established our personal information protection management system, including this policy, and thoroughly disseminate it to our executives and all employees through training and education. In order to properly protect information, we will continually review and improve it.

Handling of personal information

ERUK Co., Ltd. will appropriately handle personal information acquired by the company as follows, based on the company's personal information protection policy.

  1. Personal information acquired by our company will be used within the scope necessary to achieve the following purposes.
    • To fulfill contracts regarding services provided by our company.
    • For sale of products
    • To respond to inquiries and consultations
    • For our company's recruitment screening
    • For employee employment and personnel management
    • Purposes for which you have been notified in advance and given your consent
    For purposes other than those listed above, we will notify the person in advance and obtain their consent
  2. Our company has established a personal information management system and takes necessary and appropriate security measures to prevent leakage, loss, destruction, and other safety management of personal information. We also educate our officers, employees, and other related parties on the appropriate handling of personal information.
  3. When outsourcing all or part of the handling of personal information, the Company selects a party that meets the standards set by the Company with the outsourcing party the protection of personal information. We will take appropriate measures such as entering into contracts and provide appropriate supervision.
  4. We will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties unless required by law or with the consent of the individual in advance.
  5. Our company has the authority to respond to requests from individuals for disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of content, suspension of use, erasure, and suspension of provision to third parties. (hereinafter referred to as personal information subject to disclosure) will be handled as follows.
    1. Business name: ERUK Co., Ltd.
    2. Personal information protection manager ERUK Co., Ltd. CEO Yoshiki Kuremoto
    3. Purpose use of personal information subject to disclosure

      • To fulfill contracts regarding services provided by our company.
      • To respond to inquiries and consultations
      • For our company's recruitment screening
      • For employment and personnel management
    4. Regarding requests for disclosure

      Request notification of personal information, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of content, suspension of use, deletion, and suspension of provision to third parties can only be made if we are able to confirm your identity and will respond promptly. However, we may not be able to respond to your request if there is a risk of significant hindrance to the proper implementation of our business. In that case, we will notify you without delay that we are unable to comply with your request. Please note that if we respond to your request in writing, you will be required to pay the fees prescribed by our company. For more information, please contact us from below.
  6. Regarding complaints, consultations, regarding the handling of personal information, please contact the following.
    ERUK Co., Ltd.
    Customer Consultation Desk TEL:0265-98-0048

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